Thursday, April 03, 2008

0 caderno de anotações e o demônio...

Texto enviado por um amigo.
Amizade que se fez da união das
palavras e suas entrelinhas...
E eu espero que elas não nos
separem por algum erro
de interpretação!
Tinne Fonseca _ A Imperatriz

"Now, only recently, being on the point of giving my last squawk, I thought of looking for the key to the ancient feast where I might find my appetite again.Charity is that key. -- This inspiration proves that I have dreamed!"You will always be a hyena..." etc., protests the devil who crowned me with such pleasant poppies. "Attain death with all your appetites, your selfishness and all the capital sins!"Ah! I'm fed up: -- But, dear Satan, a less fiery eye I beg you! And while awaiting a few small infamies in arrears, you who love the absence of the instructive or descriptive faculty in a writer, for you let me tear out these few, hideous pages from my notebook of one of the damned.
Arthur Rimbaud
A Season in Hell

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